Reboot radio
Clean up your PC from popups! Plus an announcement about E-Gaming coming soon
Printer Failure
Nothing is promised in life except taxes and death (of printers)!
Get a free
PC cleanup
Want a Free PC Cleanup? Listen in and find out how you can get your laptop running smoother! Listen to see how.
What can businesses do to recycle old technology without compromising on keeping old data safe? Find out here!
Backing up
your data
Is your data protected? ReBoot talks about the importance of backing up data in case of technology failure or ransomware attacks.
Moving locations
St. Clair MO
St. Clair ReBoot Computers has moved!
Hear all about the new location and more in this radio interview.
Counter virus
& hack attacks
Get to know ReBoot Computers! Also get some insider tech advice on how to avoid spam and counter virus attacks.
Windows Updates
Don't slap the pc
What do updates do anyway? Find out why you need updates (before you smack your computer).
windows 10
do you need it?
Do you have to upgrade? Find out what Windows 10 is all about and if you really need to upgrade.
Response to
the pandemic
ReBoot is helping people work and learn from home! We've got relief PCs designed for home use.
THe End of
Windows 7
Windows 7 is no longer supported. Find out all you need to know about the end of Windows 7 and how to upgrade.
Keeping open
during this time
ReBoot is still open. Get the inside look on being a small business during the global pandemic.