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ReBoot at the Boo Bash!


#Halloween is here and the ReBoot Computers team decided to join in on the holiday fun! Every year at the Union, Missouri Boo Bash, ReBoot participates in the Trunk or Treat! This year, ReBoot set up our own movie theater to host our "Reboot Computer Horror Stories" including the "Blue Screen of Death" or "Cock Roaches in the Computer"! Now that's scary.

Thanks to City of Union, we were able to grab a generator and project some classic scary movie scenes inside of our company box truck! Check it out!

Passing out candy, sharing some scares, and participating in the community was a blast! Our goal is to let our local communities know that ReBoot is not only here for all your #PC sales and #Repair needs, but also here for a good time!

Thank you to all who participated and visited ReBoot Computers and More at the Boo Bash in Union! Catch us again at the #Spooktacular in Sullivan, Missouri at 3:30pm Friday October 30th!


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